Pink is probably the most fun color to wear for me. That and yellow, which I don't have a lot of. I've grown tired of wearing black (again) so I've been buying colorful things to brighten up my closet. This top I got in Hong Kong from a store called Monki is so dreamy...and I fell in love with that place. I'm pretty sure I was in there for 3 hours one day just trying on clothes. And the skirt, although way too small for me now, was cute enough for the moment. It's time to sell the bad boy.
This day was particularly ridiculous because I ended up straight up falling on the concrete because women's shoes are unkind and a little bit The Worst sometimes. My sister laughed at me because she's really supportive and laughs at people's pain, but I joined her so it was okay.
Talk to you guys again soon!
Top - Monki // Skirt - Romwe // shoes - GoJane // bag - my sister's 

Beautiful look, great style :)
Alas de Angel
My Instagram
loving the different pink tones x